Von der Weser in die Welt, Vol V

Die Geschichte der in Schottland und Irland gebauten Segelschiffe, die an der Weser beheimatet waren.
486 pages mit 440 ill, 105 in colour
large format 21 x 28, hardbound, price € 65,00 zuzüglich Porto
Volume V of the book series " Von der Weser in die Welt", the first volume of which was published in 1993, deals with the biographies of the sailing ships based on the Weser, which were built in Scotland and Ireland. Volume IV, which was published at the same time as Volume V, focuses on the sailers which originated in England and Wales, and the separation into two volumes was made solely for reasons of manageability of the respective books. The physical size was simply too much for one volume. Nevertheless it should be emphasised: Volume IV and V belong together.
The introduction to Volume IV has made all the necessary comments on the way the subject was dealt with, and to avoid repetition, reference is made to this. The systematics developed and proven by the author in the first three volumes have been retained. The ship biographies, which are also of particular importance in volumes IV and V, are each preceded by a short history of the respective shipyard. In contrast to volumes I to III, however, volumes IV and V do not list all the sailing ships built by this shipyard and deal with their biographies, but only those that were later based on the Weser .
The list of sources and literature as well as the list of captains' names and ships' names have been compiled for both volumes together and can be found at the end of volume V.