Von der Weser in die Welt, Vol II
Elsfleth – Brake – Oldenburg

Die Geschichte der Segelschiffe von Weser und Hunte und ihrer Bauwerften 1790 bis 1926, Vol. II:
Hauschild Verlag, Bremen
2003, 648 p., 760 ill., 335 in colour, large format (21 x 27 cm), hard cover
ISBN 978-3-89757-150-1
Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum, Bremerhaven
Schiffahrtsmuseum der oldenburgischen Weserhäfen, Brake
As Vol. I of "Von der Weser in die Welt" (published in 1993, dealing with the shipyards in Vegesack and neighbouring places and the sailing ships built there) was much acclaimed by the interested public, the author Peter-Michael Pawlik was motivated to engage in researching the other shipbuilding locations on the River Weser, especially Elsfleth and Brake. Hundreds of wooden sailing ships originated from well or less well known shipyards in the Grandduchy of Oldenburg.
For the first time ever, these shipyards are described in total. This also applies to the ships built there together with their technical data and biographies. Lists of the newbuildings by the various shipbuilders have been reconstructed for the first time. This gives better information on the activities of the shipbuilding firms and their customers than elaborate statistics. All the same, the ships' biographies give exemplary insight in contemporary trade relations, shipping routes, living conditions of the seamen, development of shipping companies and much more. A main aspect of the ships' biographies is detailed information on their sailings from the Weser in the emigrant trade, important for genealogical research.
Vol. II with its 648 pages contains hundreds of illustrations, primarily images of ships. The ship portraits (paintings), foremost in colour,
are a feast for the eye for every shiplover. In addition to that, many pictures of captains, crews, and shipbuilders are to be found as well
as contemporary harbour views, lines and sail plans, and maps.
The book has been published by the Hauschild-Verlag, Bremen, in co-operation with Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum (German National Shipping Museum),
Bremerhaven, and Schiffahrtsmuseum der oldenburgischen Weserhäfen (Oldenburg Shipping Museum), Brake.